A walled garden brought back to life at Easton, Lincolnshire
Walled gardens are a romantic feature of many historic houses and large country properties. Easton Walled Gardens, close to Grantham in Lincolnshire, have been brought back to their former glory, and celebrate over 20 years of restoration.
Walled gardens have existed for many hundreds of years, although a lot have fallen into disrepair since their heyday in Victorian and Edwardian times.
The Easton Walled gardens date back some 450 years, and the story of their recreation is one of hard work and endeavour. Now, the 12-acres provide a tranquil and evocative place to visit.
Many walled gardens that are open to the public are attached to a heritage property but a few stand-alone. Easton Walled Gardens is one such example and it has been saved by the present owners Ursula and Fred Cholmeley, who have restored it from a wilderness creating, in the process, a nationally important garden.
The Old Hall at Easton, a medieval manor house, was demolished in 1951 following several decades of deterioration, a period as barracks to a parachute regiment during the Second World War, and the final straw, the theft of lead from the roof. The surrounding gardens gradually became overgrown with brambles, ragwort and sycamore and all but lost until 2001, when the Cholmeleys realised that by repairing some of the outbuildings and the walls, and revitalising the gardens there could be a future!
By 2015, the original Tudor and Jacobean layout of the Walled Gardens could be recognised once more and, alongside colourful, quick to grow borders, such as sweet peas, kitchen gardens and an unusual rose garden, there are trees and shrubs that will take more time to mature. New planting schemes are introduced each year, and as well as embracing a modern approach to garden design that will enhance within Easton’s historic setting,
The garden offers special displays of sweet peas, flower filled meadows and snowdrops - attracting visitors from early spring to late autumn
Visitor facilities include a tea room, and there are three self-catering holiday cottages and loft apartments.
Further Reading
- Welcome to Easton - Website
- A Lincolnshire Gem - Reckless Gardener
- History of the Walled Garden - National Trust
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